The effects of climate change on the Tropical Rainforest are not pretty, and will not develop very nicely by any means. Many of the creatures as well as vegetation, eubacteria and fungi depend on water for survival, which means decrease in rain fall and rising temperatures will only hurt the biodiversity and the environment itself. These things of course affect the trees, the staple the life in the Tropical Rainforests of the world, snuffing out much of the life inside the rainforests.
Whats more alarming though is not the affect that climate change is having on the Tropical Rainforests, but the affect the Tropical Rainforests are having on climate change. The Tropical Rainforests are famous for, of course, their ancient and tall trees. They have the largest tree populations in the world, as well as plenty of other different types of vegetation. It is a well known fact that trees produce oxygen and send it into the air, which is another key reason for protecting the Tropical Rainforests, but on the other hand they also absorb CO2 and carbon dioxide. These are two factors affecting climate change. CO2 is actually the cause of green house gases that are going up into the atmosphere and attacking the ozone layer creating the rise in temperature and the weather fluctuations.
Essentially these changes will affect the Tropical Rainforests like any other place in the world. It will hinder growth as so much of it depends on water and vegetation and with less rainfall and increased temperatures these things will have a hard time for surviving. Based on that, the population of mammals and living creatures like bacteria and fungi will also decrease lessening the biodiversity of the environment and causing it to become unhealthy, creating irrevocable damage.
The Tropical Rainforests are a key to lessening the affects and even potentially ending climate change and global warming. They need to be protected so they can continue what their doing and at all costs, not be harmed anymore. With so much still unknown about the Earth, and the potential of it, and so much good coming from the Tropical Rainforests, it can never be known when they might be needed. And if humans continue damaging them, and climate change is ignored while the population of humans pretends it isn't there, the Tropical Rainforests might not be around by the time the Earth realizes it needs them.
Sarah Wilkins
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